Freitag, der Dreizehnte

Ein Abend für Arnold Schönberg

An evening for Arnold Schoenberg

by Johannes Erath and Michael Boder

Special project at the REAKTOR
To mark Arnold Schoenberg’s 150th birthday


He painted playing cards, developed a chess game for four players, invented fairy tales, was an important contributor to Der Blaue Reiter as a painter, witnessed Europe’s darkest hours, nearly made it in Hollywood, was a keen tennis player, and, as is generally better known, is one of the most influential composers in the history of music: Arnold Schoenberg. His music still divides opinion today. For the MusikTheater an der Wien, Johannes Erath and Michael Boder create a sensuously crazy evening that delves deep into Schoenberg’s studio and soul. They are assisted by Christine Schäfer, Magdalena Anna Hofmann, the Klangforum Wien and the Arnold Schoenberg Choir, all of whom have proven track records as Schoenberg experts and have made valuable contributions to the MusikTheater an der Wien in recent decades. Together they will of course also try to answer the most crucial question of all: whether twelve-tone technique is really all about giving equal weight to the twelve notes of the chromatic scale or whether the composer’s severe triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13) forced him to stop once he had reached twelve!


In German


Please note that Freitag, der Dreizehnte is an immersive theatre experience. Various rooms of the REAKTOR will be used, which the audience will explore during the performance. There is therefore only a limited number of seats available.


Introductory matinee on 14 April in the MUSEUMSQUARTIER | Hofstallung


Further information on the works to be performed and the vocal texts can be found here.


Freitag, der Dreizehnte is dedicated in memory of Michael Boder. © Arnold Schönberg Center