Der herzlose Riese

Elena Kats-Chernin

Music theatre for children aged six and over based on a Norwegian folk tale

Libretto from Susanne F. Wolf


Semi-staged performance


When adventurous Lene finds a pair of binoculars in the attic with which she can explore space and time, her life changes abruptly! Because in a distant fairytale land, she spies King Hendrik the Helpless, who is in a desperate situation: His three sons have disappeared and were last seen near the haunted Dark Forest, where no one dares to go... Lene bravely sets off on her search and does not flinch when the rumour spreads that the evil, heartless giant Dappert Dapp has kidnapped the three princes. She receives active support from the clever she-wolf Liv. The exciting play is based on a Norwegian fairy tale and was premiered at the Philharmonie Luxembourg in 2022. Composer Elena Kats-Chernin and librettist Susanne F. Wolf have been working together for many years as creators of youth and family operas. With Der herzlose Riese, they take the audience on an imaginative and adventurous journey, with the odd catchy tune thrown in for good measure.


In German language with German surtitles


Austrian premiere


Spielräume der Fantasie

Price offer for families & friends
